Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cow Hunting

So as I mentioned below, my Grandpa has 15 Black Angus Cows on his property. They usually hang out in the large open field off the back of his house during the day, but every evening near dusk they take off into the tree line. My brother and I were curious where they were going, so we went cow hunting on the ATV with 2, 10 million-candle power lights late at night.

This was quite an adventure. As you get back into his property, the trees get pretty thick, and although the ATV trails are about 8 feet wide, they make super good real estate for all kinds of spiders. (Yes, I do HATE spiders, but, in the spirit of adventure, I went anyway. Plus, we looked really carefully in front of us to make sure we didn't run into any really large ones.) We spent about an hour driving all around the property looking for them but never found them so we decided to call it a night.

We took a night off, and went back out there tonight and after about 45 minutes of looking, we finally found them. They were tucked way in the back corner of the property buried in all the trees - just where I thought they might be.

Cow hunting...

Night Spider

After a successful mission, we headed back to the house, grabbed my camera and had some fun with some night photos. Here's one of the photos...

Tomorrow I think I will get to drive the tractor...yehaw!

Internet at last!

So My brother and I are here in Oklahoma visiting my Grandpa for about 10 days. He has 50 or so acres outside of Sallisaw near the Arkansas border. He has a small 3-bedroom, house, with a full scale barn (complete with a John-Deer tracker and every attachment imaginable), pump house, and pond. He has 15 Black Angus Beef Cattle, and a horse (though, these are not his, he just rents the land to the guys who own the animals).

We arrived on Monday, and have been busy helping him around the house and clearing brush out in the property ever since. Here are some photos of his property.

This is the view looking off his back porch to the right...

Straight off the back porch...

This is a clearing in the middle of his property. It pretty large, and has
a natural gas well in it right near the tree on the right...

This is the ATV path that runs along the side of the pond...

The pond...

He has a 4-wheel drive ATV that he uses to get around the property quickly, so my brother and I have been using it to drive all over for all the work that we have been doing.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bad shape...

So my brother and I went for a ride in Whiting Ranch this afternoon. This was the first ride in the park since it was reopened after a 8 month closure following the So Cal fires of late last yet. It was a little disappointing (sorry to ruin any hopes of the 'good 'ole days...)

Most of the entire first 2 miles of the trail, the flat part leading up to the hill climb, was all sand. And not just a little sand, but deeeep sand. It seemed as if just as you were getting up to speed, one of these 20 foot sand "traps" appeared and all the momentum was lost. It was a bummer...that used to be such a cool part of the trail.

Then came the hill climb...It started out ok, and was, for the most part, the same as always. There were still lots of sand traps but most were avoidable, and there were lots of piles of ash or soot mixed in with the sand. There was no shade, and the sun was hot. It was probably due to the time of day, but, there used to be some nice trees and shrubbery along the trail that provided a little relief from the sun...not so today.

Nick and I decided to climb dreaded hill, and then have some awesome downhill sections. Dreaded was good, and the down hill was also good. Some sand, but not bad.

Single track was good. Not nice and shady like it used to be, but it was ok. This was where I had the most fun...for the first time in my riding career, I flipped the bike, almost end-over-end, and flew over the handle bars. How you might ask. This is how...

So I was moving along at a pretty good speed, and then the trail started to take a turn to the right. I naturally applied a little brake, and prepared for the turn. Once I hit the turn, which was nothing but a small sandy downhill drop, my front tire sank in about 6 inches of sand, and the front handle bars pivoted to the right spinning 270 degrees making them backwards from normal. During the process, because I was already applying a little brake, the sliding of the front end caused me to clamp down harder on the brake (not on purpose) and over I went. Fortunately, I was not going very fast or it could have been very ugly. I landed on my wrist, and scuffed up my knee a little, but that was all.

After I got up, reset my front end, and fought my way through a couple dozen more sand traps, I hit the road.

Oh, and to top it all bike was not liking life today. Couldn't shift when I needed to, but was able to shift when I didn't need to, and my clips did not want to me clip was a battle, but I do admit that it was fun.

It wasn't the Whiting Ranch that I once knew though...

Saturday, August 9, 2008


So my MCAT exam is coming up in 5 days, and the battle to keep studying and keep focused on reading and testing is really starting to wear me out. Today, I wanted to do anything but study, but I forced myself to keep at it. (In fact, I'm still reviewing notes as I write this...with only 3 more study days, there is no time to spare)

So, to clear my head a little, and get my mind of the exam, as well as get the epinephrine pumping...I went for a ride this afternoon. It was quick...probably because it was so hot, and also probably because I was so tired from studying, that all the frustration went right into my pedals...

Here are the stats:

10.5 miles
37 minutes
16.8 mph average
70 cadence average

It was short, fast, and intense. Climbed a few good sized hills down in Ladera, and didn't pop a tire! Sweet!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Have you seen this video?

This video is incredible! Such a good story!

Cycle Ride

So about 2 weeks ago, I purchased a new road bike. I have always wanted one, but they are usually so very expensive that I could just never justify the cost. But, with graduation gifts, and birthday gifts, and a couple of sweet coupons (and a great sale) I decided to go for it. Turns out, that it was a great purchase, especially now as I have been studying. It so nice just to get out and ride and clear my mind in the middle of studying, plus, I dont need to ride with a buddy like I do when I ride off trial.

Anyway, I finally got my road computer installed on it, as I now can keep track of my rides. Todays numbers...

Miles - 20.0
Moving Time - 1:15
Total Time: 1:25
Ave Speed: 16.65 mph
Top Speed: 36.03 mph

I rode down Antonio to just about Ortega Highway, then back up to Oso, and on to Tesoro HS, then home. It was a great ride...

Friday, July 25, 2008

Turning in the Safety Badge...

So for most of the 3 readers that read my blog, you already know this, but for the rest of you out there, its time for a little update.

Two weeks ago I had to turn in my Safety Officer Badge...yep, thats right, I quit.  Why you might be asking? Well, again, as most may already know, I have decided after much wrestling with the Lord, that I should pursue a career as a Medical Doctor, and as such, there were certain things that I needed to do in order to get there.  The first, and most important thing that I need to do to reach this goal, is I need to get into Med school. Duh right?  Well, as part of that process, I need to take the MCAT Exam (Medical College Admissions Test), so I decided to sign up for a MCAT Prep class at the Kaplan Test Center in Irvine.  The class is very good, but it required much more of my time than I had initially anticipated, so, I asked work for 6 weeks Leave of Absence so that I could focus 100% of my efforts on preparing for this test.  Unfortunately, my request could not be honored, so, I decided that I needed to quit in order to get the much needed study time that I wanted.  So, I had to hang up the Safety Sash, turn in all my unused tickets, and hand over by badge.  It was a sad day to leave, but was ultimately the right decision.

So for the past 2 weeks I have been studying relentlessly.  7 Days a week, for several hours on end.  The MCAT Exam is three weeks from today (Yikes!), and I feel that I still have SO much to learn and recall from my days as an undergrad student in physics, general chemistry, organic chemistry, and biology.

Oh, and don't worry...a safety ticket was issued during my reign (though it was really issued by my co-safety officer after we discussed the matter).  It was issued to...are you ready for of the 7 senior lab managers!  Yep, no one was above the law when I was in charge...ah, the memories...

Ok...back to studying!